Baroque Bohemia & Beyond, Vol. 7 ‘Winter Season’ / Czech Chamber Philharmonic, Vojtěch Spurný Nov02
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Baroque Bohemia & Beyond, Vol. 7 ‘Winte...

The latest release from Musical Concepts in their ongoing Baroque Bohemia & Beyond series, this seventh installment is subtitled “winter season”, and is comprised of delightful music by Czech composers active in the early decades of the Classical era. The music is largely by...

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Théodore Gouvy: Symphony No. 4; Symphonie brève; F...

In all, Louis Théodore Gouvy wrote seven symphonies. With this recent release from cpo of the composer’s Symphony No. 4, Op. 25 (1855), the Symphony No. 6, Op. 58 (also known as Symphonie brève; variations et rondo pour orchestre) and the Fantaisie Symphonique, this much needed first...

Sigismund von Neukomm – Orchestral Fantasies; Sinfonie Heroique / Willens Jan10
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Sigismund von Neukomm Orchestral Fantasies; Sinf...

Sigismund Neukomm (1778-1854) was considered to be one of the most accomplished of composers during his lifetime. Born and raised in Salzburg, he was a student of both Michael and Joseph Haydn. His music remained true to classical principles well into the romantic period, so much so that...